In 2009, Secrid introduced its first Cardprotector. In addition to being surprisingly handy, it is also beautiful and magical. Behind this pocketwear from Secrid lies a new world. A practical and innovative product line which has received multiple international awards for its quality and innovative features. Millions of people around the world have been using them daily for years.
The Secrid HeartQuarter
But most importantly, we want people to discover how much influence their consumer behaviour has, because with every purchase, a piece of the world changes. We link this awareness to our products. With Secrid, you're carrying something good: an ethical product that is socially and sustainably produced, long-lasting and – should the need arise – repairable. As a consumer you have more power than you think, because with every purchase you make, you influence the industry. Our products are therefore not only practical, but also an inspiration to consume in a more conscious way. With an eye for the world and the people around us.
Industrial design and fashion come together in our pocket-sized essentials. Made in the Netherlands, with the greatest care for quality, people and the environment. Secrid prioritises personal, lasting relationships with our retailers, suppliers and customers. Our core principle is that the entire production and distribution chain is a way to make a positive impact on the industry and on people, through local production and assembly in sheltered workshops. Secrid maintains high standards of quality and sustainability, and by working locally with specialist suppliers we are able to raise those standards even higher each year. Because we are fully committed to the challenge of delivering the best quality.
“A community built on Creativity driven by Values”
Our company is driven by creativity, interest in people and a holistic approach to sustainability. This has led to our new vision of product development. We call it the Industrial Evolution. The general guideline is simple: every new product must be better than the previous ones. When all consumers start demanding this of companies, the world will change for the better. With products that last longer and contribute to sustainability. Big changes happen in small steps, one after the other. Drops become rivers. Everyone contributes to this. A better world starts in your pocket.